Wednesday, December 16, 2009

What will happen when oil and gas prices get soo pricey that are unafordable?

Let's assume, that gas prices goes to $100 a gallon so it can not be bought by almost anybody. What will happen to the economy and to everybody else? Should we kill ourselves? Does the increase in oil prices is the end of the world or at least civilization?What will happen when oil and gas prices get soo pricey that are unafordable?
If that does happen, a lot more people will be walking, riding bikes and finding other modes of transportation. Cities will be forced to become more self-sufficient, meaning that people will not have to go very far to get to their jobs or to the store. Hey, there just might be a silver-lining after all.

I imagine that if such a thing happen, the economy would collapse, but I could be wrong. I do know that people would find a way to adapt and keep on going. It's what we do, what we've always done. It wouldn't be the first time a superpower collapsed. Remember Rome? The collapse was so great that it set off the Dark Ages. But people continued to live. They adapted, made do. And eventually, things got better. I think that history is cyclic, not linear. Everything that is happening now, has happened before.

The increase in oil prices is a burden and even I am feeling the pinch which is laughable because I can't drive and don't own a car! (It has caused the price of food, electricity and bus fare to go up, so I am still affected.) But it will not end the world and it will not end civilization. Human beings are remarkably adaptable and do well in times of adversity.What will happen when oil and gas prices get soo pricey that are unafordable?
Well before it goes that high we will go into a depression that will last over 20 years. Expect the increased prices to cause massive layoffs and cut hours and pay to over 90% of Americans and also that will result in over 90% of Americans to go bankrupt, lose thier homes,

So yes the end of the world as we know it will happen in the next 2 years unless we ahve a MAJOR change in our and all world Governments.
Apparently oil industry economists call this ';demand destruction';. People will want less. If there is still lots of oil *and* lots of refinery capacity, prices may stabilize, or even go down.

I expect civilization would not end, and if gas got to $100/gallon, it would be part of a general inflation (wages would go up too)
The only way it'll get cheaper is if we start riding horses again and feeding them refried beans - I'm just not hopeful. I'm using the bus in the meantime and only the car when necessary. I know everyone doesnt live in the city...but - what can you do?
When the prices get to high, people will stop buying it. That will reduce demand and that will lower prices. Just like magic. Take a course in economics in a free market economy. It will take your mind off killing yourself.
The sale of bicycles will increase dramatically. Invest now!!!
The cost of pedal bikes will go up as a result of more people buying them and ditching their cars.
the economy will collapse long before that.
Anarchy then apocalypse.

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