Wednesday, December 16, 2009

What is the best recruitment agency for Oil and Gas Companies in the UK?

I am currently looking for a job with an Oil and Gas firm in the UK or anywhere in the world. I worked for Schlumberger as a Field Engineer and Supervisor for over 3 years in Canada, Pakistan, Tanzania, Egypt and Angola. I would like to know which recruitment agency would help me getting a job in this field in the UK or anywhere outside. I would like to work as LWD / MWD Filed Engineer or in Interpretation or Petrophysics departments. Thanks alot.What is the best recruitment agency for Oil and Gas Companies in the UK?
National Grid handle onshore transmission. There are a bunch that do off-shore, but I don't know anything about them. I believe NG own most of the larger size diameters gas lines in the UK and a substantial part of the electrical network. They own a chunk of the smaller gas lines too, but were in the process of selling some of them off a few years ago.

Good Luck, Bob

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